School Governors

About the governing body

For details about the Trust’s Governance, please view the website:

Dunraven Educational Trust

The Governing Board works with the school to ensure that it delivers a good quality education.

There are up to 10 governors who make up the Governing Board. Governors are elected for a term of four years.

They meet five times a year and can be contacted at The minutes from the Governing Board meetings are available on request.

The Annual General Meeting of the Dunraven Educational Trust is being held on Friday 13 December 2024 at 8.00am. The notice, agenda and how to register for the AGM will be available on the Trust's website here in the Autumn term.

Meet the Governors

Shola Salako, Chair of the Local Governing Board and Safeguarding Link

I became interested in education when I was co-opted onto a parent staff committee at my daughter’s school. She has since left school and as I wanted to continue my involvement I applied to be a local authority governor.  I was accepted and have been a governor at Rosendale for over five years.
The role remains interesting and absorbing.  I hope to be given the opportunity to continue to be of service to Rosendale and provide a valuable contribution.

Shola’s term of office expires September 2025*

Caroline Gray, Vice-Chair of the Local Governing Board and SEND Link

I currently work in a General Practice in Vauxhall and for a Mental Health project for the Clinical Commissioning Group.  Whilst my background is not in education I do have a real understanding of life in Lambeth having lived and worked here for the last 16 years and I hope that skills I bring coupled with my enthusiasm and commitment will allow me to make a real contribution to the school and its community.

Caroline’s term of office expires October 2025

Nana Baffoe, Governor

Nana's term of office expires August 2027.

Mark Creelman, Parent Governor and Health & Safety Link

I have 3 children at Rosendale with my partner Darren. They are currently in Nursery, Year 1 and Year 2.  I’m a qualified social worker and have worked in the public sector for 25 years. I am Managing Director of an NHS organisation with a turnover of £130m. I believe in the power of strong governance and want the development of the school to be fully inclusive and participative of parents with the child at the centre of all we do.

Mark’s term of office expires November 2027*

Matt Ellis, Staff Governor

Matt’s term of office expires December 2025.

Lulu Luckock, Governor

Lulu's term of office expires August 2027. 

Alice Maurizi, Governor

I am an economist specialised in labour markets and education. I have worked in the Civil Service for the past 5 years covering a series of roles related to welfare, migration, trade, education and skills – building up experience in policy and analysis in different government departments. Having lived in Lambeth since moving to London, I am very excited to have the opportunity to support the school and help the community.

Alice’s term of office expires September 2026.

Tarrell McIntosh, Governor

Tarell's term of office expires October 2027.

Emily Murphy, Parent Governor

Emily's term of office expires November 2027.


*denotes second term of office


Title Date  
LGB Meeting Attendance Rosendale Primary 2023-24 26th Jul 2024 Download
Register of Interests - Rosendale Primary - 2023 06th Nov 2023 Download